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Monday, January 31, 2011

It's bumbo tiiiimmmee! (yes, said jersey shore style)

Yay for Jenna Reese, you go baby girl! She is big enough to use the Bumbo seat and she seems to dig it. It has a handy little tray that she can bang various toys on. Now that she can use this seat it gives her more variation to where she can chilax. She goes from her swing, to the Bumbo, to the floor, to the high chair. And then sometimes she just hangs out on my bed. But maybe not for much longer... JR is officially rolling over all the way! More on that later. :) Happy Monday, hope it's a great week for everyone. I'm off to fold, clean and yoga it up before I have to get out the door for my yob. Yes, yob. :)


1 comment:

Lady Blachly said...

Sorry, not down with the Jersey Shore style but it makes me want to watch and see what that means! I am however down with the cutest Jenna Reese ever style! Love it!