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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Today you are 2...

Today you are 2...
It's your special day,
Oh my how the past year just flew!

Today you are 2...
No longer a baby
but a big girl, it's true!

Today you are 2...
The things you say and do
keep us on our toes, whew!

Today you are 2...
Forever our little Carmen Jules
Running around in your pink tutu.

Here is our little one as she came into our room this morning when she woke up. Poor thing was probably wishing we would get the camera out of her face! PS-Horribly out of tune but sung with love :p

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A chat with Auntie Evelyn

I'm pretty sure she is telling all of our business, sheesh!

Wordless Wednesday

Monday, April 27, 2009

CJ's first big spill

While visiting Tia Ana's new house yesterday, Carmen had her first big tumble. She has always been pretty tough about falling, and will usually laugh good-naturedly when it comes to being clumsy. So down she went on a few steps, thank goodness they were carpeted but she ended up with a big rug burn on her face. It started out pink and by the end of the day she looked like a hot mess. She took it pretty well, cried for a couple minutes then was happily munching on a cheese stick and ran off to play again.

Here she is after her bath last night

Nini and Angiepants get Confirmed

Congratulations Angela and Denise! The girls completed their Confirmation and the Mass was beautiful. I was honored when Cecilia asked me so long ago to be Angela's Madrina, and I take it seriously. While out shopping for her dress this past week, I made sure to talk to Angela about how she is doing and what was on her mind. I didn't want to make her feel like I was badgering her for information - but I wanted her to know I am genuinely interested in how she is doing and that she has my love and support in everything she does.

My Little Carlos looking so handsome

Ani and Alexis

Denise and her Madrina, Tia Judy

The girls after Mass

All of the Godparents with Ruben's Mother and Grandmother

So proud of our Goddaughter :)

Then it was pachanga time

The food was uber delish! As if you couldn't tell by my full plate...

Teresa gives the rice a big thumbs up

Rube, Carm and Tia Nancy

I love the heck out of Noemi!

Silliness runs in the family....

And ah, yes... my personal favorite, the cake.

Goofy girls!

My Kiddo and I - Week 17

Sunday, April 26, 2009

She's growing up

It's hard to believe our little Ani went to her Junior Prom. As the oldest grandchild, she makes quite the impression on her younger cousins and I have to say that she has matured into quite an amazing young woman. I love her dearly and was happy to be there for one of her big moments as a young adult. I'm so glad she had a fun, safe night!(Sheesh, I sound like a parent.) Love you, Ani!

Since the dance was on the same night as CJ's party, Ani got ready at our house :)

Tia Bertha doing her thang

Making her grand entrance!

Mom and Daughter

So much excitement a spontaneous conga line broke out

The couple with Mom

Juan and Ani

In true Ani style only converse would do

And they are off! Yikes!

A very "Yo Gabba Gabba!" birthday!

I have no idea how the time passes so quickly, but before I knew it, there we were gathered with our family and friends celebrating Carmen Jules turning TWO! The day turned out so nice - I was a little worried that we might get rained out - but alas, Mother Nature eased up with the rain clouds and we partied it up Yo Gabba Gabba! style :)

The birthday girl!

Here is Thomas getting good use out of our tree!

Tia Krystal used her pinata connections for this awesome Muno!

Since Beans was not in the pinata mood, boo...

...the rest of the kiddos took care of it!

Wait! That's not a kid! Ruben!!

Time for cake, yummo!!

Beans received awesome gifts...

... and made sure to read the cards, too.

Checking out her new bike!

A wonderfully tiring day! We were happy to have everyone over, I know Carmen Jules had a blast - even though it took a bit of birthday cake to coax her out of her unusually shy mood, sheesh!

Thank you everyone, we love you guys!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Hoppy Easter!

I'm so thankful to have spent another Easter holiday with our families. We started our Easter festivities on Saturday afternoon and trekked over to my Mom's for an overnight visit. Vincent and my sis dyed eggs while my Mom and I worked on a little sewing project. Everyone pretty much just hung out and we enjoyed the time together. Easter morning we were off to mass, it was crazy packed and we ended up standing the whole time. After mass we hit up a most scrumptious brunch, de-lish! Team Rodriguez then had to bid farewell to Ft. Worth. We moseyed back to D-Town where Chateau Narro is the traditional Easter location. I was so happy to see the weather clear up so the kids could hunt for eggs. A great little day, we were worn out when we got home. Happy Easter, everyone!

With much love,
Team Rod xxoo