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Monday, January 24, 2011

Jolly Jenna

Little miss is growing like a weed, so thankful for that! She is happy and jolly and it seems like me, Rube and CJ can't get enough of her coo's and giggles. One of us us always in her face, (poor thing) just soaking up her baby sounds and that wonderful baby smell... Well, she almost always smells good... There is the occasional whiff of sour milk around her neck or the aroma of a sweaty head. (The tendency to sweat is a big Rodriguez trait!)

Here is Jenna Reese trying out her new seat at the dinner table. Carmen thought it was soooo cool that Jenna is now big enough to use her old high-chair and asks that her baby sis sit next to her when we eat.

Here is what my baby JR is up to at almost 4 months old:

*loves to be held and cuddled

*reaching for her bottle and getting close to holding it on her own

*is sitting with support

*looks for us when she hears our voices

*has developed a great sleep schedule

*rolling over almost all of the way, her little arm still gets stuck and she gets frustrated trying to get it unstuck

*likes her tummy time until she gets so tired that she sprawls her arms out and gives up and lays on her stomach and chews on her hand

*is gnawing on her hands and anything she can put in her mouth constantly, drooling quite a bit because of that, wondering if teeth could possibly come this early???

*had her first "I'm being held by someone I don't recognize" cry the other day with my sis

*is wearing size 6 month clothes, depending on the brand can wear some size 9 month. (today she is wearing a cute thermal shirt that her big sis wore when she was 9 months old, yowza!)

*is no longer sleeping in her bassinet, has been sleeping next to me in the bed but is definitely ready for her crib. I keep her next to me at night due to pure laziness. every now and then she still wakes up during the night to take a few minutes on the bottle and quite frankly I am tired and don't want to get out of the bed at 3am. bad mama, yes, I know.

*makes THE cutest sad face, that lower lip comes out and she looks so sad you just have to squeeze her immediately!

*enjoys bathing and we started putting her in the shower with us when it's convenient. although, she seems to enjoy the baby tub more, can't blame her.

*loves holding on to her blankies. we will see if she ends up with a favorite "thee-thee" like her big sis.


1 comment:

Lady Blachly said...

Love the update! But all I have to say is FOUR MONTHS?! Slow down clown!