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Monday, January 31, 2011

My Kiddos and I - Week 5


It's bumbo tiiiimmmee! (yes, said jersey shore style)

Yay for Jenna Reese, you go baby girl! She is big enough to use the Bumbo seat and she seems to dig it. It has a handy little tray that she can bang various toys on. Now that she can use this seat it gives her more variation to where she can chilax. She goes from her swing, to the Bumbo, to the floor, to the high chair. And then sometimes she just hangs out on my bed. But maybe not for much longer... JR is officially rolling over all the way! More on that later. :) Happy Monday, hope it's a great week for everyone. I'm off to fold, clean and yoga it up before I have to get out the door for my yob. Yes, yob. :)


Monday, January 24, 2011

Jolly Jenna

Little miss is growing like a weed, so thankful for that! She is happy and jolly and it seems like me, Rube and CJ can't get enough of her coo's and giggles. One of us us always in her face, (poor thing) just soaking up her baby sounds and that wonderful baby smell... Well, she almost always smells good... There is the occasional whiff of sour milk around her neck or the aroma of a sweaty head. (The tendency to sweat is a big Rodriguez trait!)

Here is Jenna Reese trying out her new seat at the dinner table. Carmen thought it was soooo cool that Jenna is now big enough to use her old high-chair and asks that her baby sis sit next to her when we eat.

Here is what my baby JR is up to at almost 4 months old:

*loves to be held and cuddled

*reaching for her bottle and getting close to holding it on her own

*is sitting with support

*looks for us when she hears our voices

*has developed a great sleep schedule

*rolling over almost all of the way, her little arm still gets stuck and she gets frustrated trying to get it unstuck

*likes her tummy time until she gets so tired that she sprawls her arms out and gives up and lays on her stomach and chews on her hand

*is gnawing on her hands and anything she can put in her mouth constantly, drooling quite a bit because of that, wondering if teeth could possibly come this early???

*had her first "I'm being held by someone I don't recognize" cry the other day with my sis

*is wearing size 6 month clothes, depending on the brand can wear some size 9 month. (today she is wearing a cute thermal shirt that her big sis wore when she was 9 months old, yowza!)

*is no longer sleeping in her bassinet, has been sleeping next to me in the bed but is definitely ready for her crib. I keep her next to me at night due to pure laziness. every now and then she still wakes up during the night to take a few minutes on the bottle and quite frankly I am tired and don't want to get out of the bed at 3am. bad mama, yes, I know.

*makes THE cutest sad face, that lower lip comes out and she looks so sad you just have to squeeze her immediately!

*enjoys bathing and we started putting her in the shower with us when it's convenient. although, she seems to enjoy the baby tub more, can't blame her.

*loves holding on to her blankies. we will see if she ends up with a favorite "thee-thee" like her big sis.


Friday, January 21, 2011

Friday is Fab

Buenos dias, I am lovin' that today is Friday. The short week seemed to fly by (seems to be the case every week) and yesterday I couldn't leave my j-o-b fast enough. Came home to my fam and my girls' were asleep and Rube had our fave Thursday shows ready to go on the DVR. After we watched a little boob tube we went to bed. I hit the pillow hard and was in sleepy town in no time. So anyhoo, when I got up today, I had a nice quiet morning all to myself. Rube has to hit the road early for school so after he was out the door I made my coffee and relaxed, ahhhh. Felt so good. My babies are of course now up and at 'em and I am wondering what we shall do today.... Perhaps the library? A trip to NP or Target? Maybe. If I bundle them up enough we can go to the park, CJ is having some serious park withdrawls here lately. She seems to be over the cold weather and is looking forward to the fun at the spraygrounds and has told me, "Jenna can come, too if she wants to." You are so very kind, Carm. lol. Well, whatev we do today I'm just glad it's the weekend, baby. Yeah!

Jenna Reese enjoying her "tummy time" and says "have a great weekend, everyone!"


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

1. For just 2 days into the week it seems like a lot got done already. We had our house weatherized, which may not sound like a whole ordeal but it was. This house was built in 1920 something, and turning it from a duplex to a single dwelling didn't help how much it was already lacking in energy efficiency. You could say it was energy efficient illiterate. Haha. Holes were drilled every 16" in all the exterior walls to add insulation. As well, we had insulation added to the attic and something was also done under the house. Pipes were wrapped, lots of stuff was caulked and sealed, and the doors were given weather stripping. This should make a vast difference in our heating and cooling bills. So after that was all said and done we are getting the house back in order. :)

2. This weekend our part of the area missed out on all the big snow stuff. No snowman to be made around the Downtown area - unless you want a slushy, dirty looking snowman. No thanks.

3. *yaaawwwwn* I'm getting sleepy... but... must... finish... post....

4. I looooove when babies sleep like this - I think it is so crazy cute:

5. Sister love!

6. I have a new brother-in-law! Well, he's been around for awhile now but they made it official, Johnny and Ana were married last week in NYC. They make a beautiful couple, we love them very much. Ana is my girls' Godmother, she rox. We love going to their house - muy good entertainers and hosts! Here's to Mr. and Mrs. Ramos, felicidades!!!

7. Big Love is coming back this month for the final season! Ah! Cuh-razy show, we've watched since the beginning, we shall how it unfolds.

8. Dear frozen grapes: I love you. You are delicious.

9. My current trashy TV favorites:

10. I have gross dry winter hands. Ew. I'm using the heavy duty hand lotion and lots of it!


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Loves all creatures

While I love that CJ loves all things animals:

She kinda borderlines on being like this:



My Kiddos and I - Week 2


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

1. Happy Tuesday, woke up this morning with a headache, bleh! Popped some tyelnol with my coffee. I guess it's the weather?

2. I'm always amused by the things Carmen Jules says. I need to keep writing them down in her baby book because I know I will so forget...

CJ: Don't squeeze me so hard because my head will pop. *after I gave her a tight hug*

CJ: Dude, you stink. *talking to kramer*

CJ: Please! 2 more minutes! I'm not ready! *while in the shower*

Me: Kramer, get off the bed!
CJ: Don't talk to him like that, he's my best friend. You are going to get on the naughty list, Mom.

3. A couple of weeks ago I found that CJ had put her baby doll and her baby doll's "thee-thee" to sleep with JR.

4. I so thoroughly enjoyed my maternity leave. It. Was. Fab. But alas, it was back to work yesterday. I missed my sweeties so much, I'm glad my time at the j-o-b went by pretty quickly. And thankfully when I got home I was still able to cuddle with my chunky baby for a little bit before she went to bed. I'm hoping to start going in a little earlier so I can get off earlier, even an hour makes a difference.

5. I know we Texans don't know jack about what a reeallllly cold winter is like. I am such a weenie about being cold. Left the house early one morning and I was cursing the cold for a good five minutes while my car warmed up. I seriously would rather sweat than shiver.

6. I rue the day I learned about Chai Tea Lattes. Eesh, it's goodness in a cup. Hot or cold, they are gooooood. My sweat Heather is the one who mentioned them to me a long time ago. And with the lovely Starbucks gift cards I was given this holiday season, I tried one. YUM. I jumped on the Starbucks website and looked at the nutritional stuff to ensure I was ordering with lowest cals possible. (Hey, baby weight aint no joke!) Even Rube took a liking to them. So much so I bought some mix to make at home. Rube enjoys one of those suckers a day, for me it's more of a once a week treat. I'm eliminating calorie drinks while on my weight loss journey, booo.

7. For your viewing pleasure. This was pre baby Jenna Reese.

8. Lately Carmen has been telling me she either wants one or two ponytails. Not like we have a lot to work with (lol) but she sure does love to tell me what she prefers. She is also quick to pick her headband or bows, and this morning she told me the clothes I picked out did not match. Whatever!

9. Mom and Dad want a date night, woowoo!

10. Rube is back from errands and the gym, good timing as I wrap this post up. I'm outtie to do my calisthenics. Or workout for you common folk. HAHA, soooo JK. I just wanted to say calisthenics. :)


Sunday, January 2, 2011

My Kiddos and I - Week 1


What a difference a year makes

Yup, an entire year has come and gone and not a single update. I most definitely missed blogging but evidently not enough to make the effort to jot anything down... for A YEAR. Geez, my bad. Without a doubt, the blessings, challenges and continuation of this adventure that Team Rodriguez is on has been humbling. I still strive to be the the master of all things balanced. I'm adding yoga to my workout regimen to hopefully reduce the amount of stress that has increased over time. I love knowing our family has a goal we're working toward. I have to remember to embrace each and every day and remind myself that at any time anything can happen, and while having our five year plan is important, it is also important to live in the moment of today. My frustrations are so minute in the bigger scheme of things, I sometimes complain of the monotony of day-to-day life, so I tell myself, it is truly a blessing to have the mundane tasks of an uneventful day.

So here I sit and type (with an extra chubby jenna reese next to me) and it is a little hard to get the words out how I want because it has been so long! But oh well, here's to moving forward! Happy New Year!
