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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Monday, February 21, 2011

My Kiddos and I - Week 8



Moving right along to Jenna's first foods... On this particular morning she was trying out some oatmeal, yumm-o!

My sweet JR is growing so quickly, so thankful but so bittersweet! *sniff!*


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Sunday, February 13, 2011

My Kiddos and I - Week 7


CJ the puzzle master

Last week Carm was pretty darn proud to show me she is working her puzzles all on her own now. I suspect the 1,000 piece is coming soon... haha!



Saturday, February 5, 2011

An American Girl

The Christmas before last CJ received An American Girl doll from her Tio and Tia. My sister and Junior found Josefina on Craigslist and it even came with a carrying case that stores the doll and her accessories. Apparently a young girl was selling some of her dolls from her collection.

I knew a little about the whole American Girl thing but had never been to the store. When my Mom gave CJ a catalog (carmen looooooves, adores catalogs) she looked at it cover to cover for weeks. And what I didn't know was that while I was at work Ruben and CJ would sit and look through the magazine, she asked him what each dolls name was and then he would tell her a little about each doll. So when we made our way to the store one Friday evening (and score that it wasn't packed at all!) she was super excited to see the dolls in person. She was yelling out, "Mommy there is Julie and Molly! And Kanani!" How the heck did she know that?! Ruben looked at me and said, "We have been looking through that catalog almost every night when you are at work." Hillllarious. We passed the display case for Julie and he tells me, "Julie grew up in the 70's and apparently she is adjusting to her parents divorce and moving to a new school..." (Wow, pretty heavy stuff if you ask me. You know, for a doll.) Ruben said after reading it over a million times he got to know their stories, definitely a Dad to girls!

Our trip there was fun, we didn't go with the intention of buying anything, just walking around and looking at everything was suffice. Because she is still on the young side to really get into the bigger scheme of the dolls she drifted more towards the "Bitty Baby" section which is more for her age group. And those Bitty Baby's are awfully cute.

As we headed out, baby girl had such a big grin on her face and that of course was the best part. :)

Rube, CJ and Josefina

On to the Bitty Baby's!

Had to put this one of Jenna just because she is so cuuuute ;)


There's no business like "snow" business

Haha! That is a lame title, but nonetheless I just wanted to post a few more pics from our fun in the snow.


Friday, February 4, 2011

Little Mother

Since the arrival of her baby sister, Carmen Jules is more nurturing than ever. With that innate instinct to mother her babies ever since she was so little she gets especially excited now that she has a "real" baby to see everyday. (And nice to see that the "newness" of Jenna Reese has not worn off yet!) She mimics a lot of what she sees, telling her baby dolls softly, "It's ok, it's ok... Mama's here." Or tells me "Mom, please don't wake up my baby, she is taking a nap and if she wakes up I will be very upset." Crazy girl. So whether it's looking after her dolls or making her sister laugh, we are definitely lovin' all that is baby around here. When Jenna Reese burps after eating or just burps in general (lol) Carm claps for her and immediately tells JR what a great burp she did, it's pretty darn funny. And the look on her face when she proudly showed me how she put her baby's carrier in her little play grocery cart just like we do at the store, that was oh so sweet.


I find cj's babies like this daily


Baby it's cold outside...

And in here it is kinda cold, too. Ha! While this old house recently had some great insulation done, it's still a tad on the cool side, yow-za! But I suppose with negative degree wind chills that is bound to happen. So anyhoo, we haven't been off of the Rodriguez compound since Monday. Yep, Monday, folks. Aside from a little cabin fever and missing the gym I have felt happy and cozy here with my babies. All 3 of them, haha. Er, I mean 4 of them - sorry Krame! We baked, read, watched a ton of TV, worked on CJ's "homework", bundled up and played outside, napped, cooked, (thank GOODNESS I grocery shopped last Sunday!) and just genuinely relaxed. Like hardcore relaxed. It's amazing how much I was able to do that when I knew that we weren't going anywhere. And it was ok not to go anywhere. And we didn't need to be anywhere. I'm a busybody (an extreme busybody) by nature so not being productive/busy makes me feel kinda guilty by taking too much chilxation time. That's not good. If feasible we should always make a little time for resting our bodies, as long as all the other stuff is up to snuff. You know what I'm sayin'??

It appears we may be thawing out today and I really hope everyone was kept safe through these harsh temps. What a crazy week. TGIF, keep those toes warm and toasty. :)