2. This weekend our part of the area missed out on all the big snow stuff. No snowman to be made around the Downtown area - unless you want a slushy, dirty looking snowman. No thanks.
3. *yaaawwwwn* I'm getting sleepy... but... must... finish... post....
4. I looooove when babies sleep like this - I think it is so crazy cute:
5. Sister love!
6. I have a new brother-in-law! Well, he's been around for awhile now but they made it official, Johnny and Ana were married last week in NYC. They make a beautiful couple, we love them very much. Ana is my girls' Godmother, she rox. We love going to their house - muy good entertainers and hosts! Here's to Mr. and Mrs. Ramos, felicidades!!!
7. Big Love is coming back this month for the final season! Ah! Cuh-razy show, we've watched since the beginning, we shall how it unfolds.

8. Dear frozen grapes: I love you. You are delicious.
9. My current trashy TV favorites:

10. I have gross dry winter hands. Ew. I'm using the heavy duty hand lotion and lots of it!

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