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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

1. For just 2 days into the week it seems like a lot got done already. We had our house weatherized, which may not sound like a whole ordeal but it was. This house was built in 1920 something, and turning it from a duplex to a single dwelling didn't help how much it was already lacking in energy efficiency. You could say it was energy efficient illiterate. Haha. Holes were drilled every 16" in all the exterior walls to add insulation. As well, we had insulation added to the attic and something was also done under the house. Pipes were wrapped, lots of stuff was caulked and sealed, and the doors were given weather stripping. This should make a vast difference in our heating and cooling bills. So after that was all said and done we are getting the house back in order. :)

2. This weekend our part of the area missed out on all the big snow stuff. No snowman to be made around the Downtown area - unless you want a slushy, dirty looking snowman. No thanks.

3. *yaaawwwwn* I'm getting sleepy... but... must... finish... post....

4. I looooove when babies sleep like this - I think it is so crazy cute:

5. Sister love!

6. I have a new brother-in-law! Well, he's been around for awhile now but they made it official, Johnny and Ana were married last week in NYC. They make a beautiful couple, we love them very much. Ana is my girls' Godmother, she rox. We love going to their house - muy good entertainers and hosts! Here's to Mr. and Mrs. Ramos, felicidades!!!

7. Big Love is coming back this month for the final season! Ah! Cuh-razy show, we've watched since the beginning, we shall how it unfolds.

8. Dear frozen grapes: I love you. You are delicious.

9. My current trashy TV favorites:

10. I have gross dry winter hands. Ew. I'm using the heavy duty hand lotion and lots of it!


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