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Monday, December 29, 2008

Thank you, Carmen Jules.

Carmen has always been a little stinker when it came to saying "mommy." She would say "mama" here and there but for a good while now it has been "daddy." Always with the Daddy, sheesh! Some of her words include "I'm ready", "dog", "gabby", "puppy", "backpack", "pee pee and poo"... I mean come on, Mommy should have been pretty darn easy! She waited until she was ready, I guess :)

Because I love them THAT much.

I had to post about pickles. Yes, pickles. I love them. I want to marry pickles and have cute wittle baby pickles. (haha, I have to say that about everything that I heart.)

Anyhoozle, among my wonderful Christmas presents was a giant new jar of Best Maids, ahhhhh. My family, er, I mean Santa knows just how much I love the tastiness that is the pickle. Thank you, Santa :)

I love you pickles.

I passed on my pickle loving gene to the little one.

Prepare to be eaten and savored, pickle. You never had a chance.

Christmas Day

After a fun-filled night of Christmas Eve celebrating, Team Rod jumped in the car and headed over to Ft. Worth in the wee hours of the morning. We arrived at my sisters house and quickly passed out! Thank you, Vincent, for lending us your bed - dang that thing is comfortable!

My sister came up to wake us up at around 8, Vincent just couldn't stand it anymore, poor thing had been up since 6 and was waiting patiently (I use that word loosely) for us to trek over next door to Grandma's house where Santa had paid a visit.

We had the best day with my family. We ate, napped and just hung out in our jammies. It was wonderful.

Here are some Christmas Day Pictures:

My poor sis was sickie poo. Sorry, Angie :(

Victor and Junior

Carmen opening her gifts with Grandma. (She is super attached to her Grandma. Carm and her cousin Victor fight over Grandma frequently.)

This 6 year old somewhat appreciated the clothes he received from Santa...

....but a new Wii brought this kiddo big time smiles!

My Auntie Evelyn shecking out one of her gifts, we love you, Auntie! (Had to give her a little shout out, she is a faithful reader.)

Hands down one of the happiest and most laid back little boys you will ever meet! To be so little he is a big jokester!

Cousin BFF's. The little chairs they are sitting on are from when I was their age. I hope to keep them for my grandbabies ;)

Christmas Eve

Another Christmas Holiday came and left! Ruben and I were a little sullen looking at how bare the house felt after the festive decorations came down. *tear* But alas, a truly wonderful time spent with our families made this season another one to cherish. We are very blessed and happy, what more could we want? Not a darn thing. I hope everyone had some warm and fuzzy moments as well, we love you :)

Here are pictures from Christmas Eve:

Tamale making '08. We recruited more tamale making members this year, we commented at how we had our very own little tamale making sweatshop ;)

Crazy Tio Rudy. He's gonna pay for that later... haha! Gross, I know!

CJ and her Tia Nancy

Me and Micheal Paul, he's getting so big!

Krystal and Julianna

Mamanita taking her turn at "Christmas Pictionary."

My Goddaughter, silly Angie Pants.

Hi, Denise!

Watching the pictionary game... so intense.

And again... more pictionary. (This really helped kill the time until midnight for the kiddos!)

We wished Tia Bertha a Happy Birthday, the Christmas Baby.

And finally! Presents! It was fun to see Carmen Jules open stuff on her own this year! Her facial expressions - priceless :)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Cute to me!

I guess a month ago or so we were doing some browsing and walking around the mall. Little did I know Ruben made a mental note when I mentioned that I really took a liking to this:

His name is Pierre the Pig and I am more than happy to add him to my kitchen decor. He's so ugly that he is cute, and I love him!

My surprise arrived Saturday morning. When the doorbell rang, I cautiously looked to see who it was, and saw our neighbor armed with a beautifully wrapped gift. (Before the hubbster left on his excursion to the Bahamas, he left the gift with Nathaniel and asked him to walk it down on my birthday.) It was very sweet and definitely a big surprise! Thank you, Ruben! I love you!

Such a girl.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Well, you get the picture...

Much love to you all this turkey day. May everyone have a safe and happy holiday with your loved ones :)

Team Rodriguez

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Monday, November 3, 2008

November is off to a warm start!

Ruben and I had a hankering for a picnic, the weather was a little warm but be-u-ti-ful! We packed up a basket and spent the afternoon at the Arboretum. Such a warm and fuzzy day, we really enjoyed ourselves :)
Beans and Rube cooling off with a refreshing drink

Carmen is way into juice boxes these days

My kiddo loves pickles!

Yay for the Vu's lending us their wagon!! Thanks, guys!

And she's off!

We can't get enough of those pumpkins!

Annual Rodriguez Halloween Bash

We had a most awesome time Friday night! We partied it up with the familia, went home so tired! Happy Halloween 2008, it rocked!

Beans and her Daddy ready to go!

Team Rodriguez

May the force be with you

Ani and her bff Gabby (she looooves her pup)

Julian didn't stop dancing for quite some time...

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Everybody get their vote on!

Why are these two cuties smiling?

They were hyped to go vote, yo!

Feeling good after hitting the polls! There was a surprising long line, glad Team Rod got it out of the way early :)