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Friday, April 22, 2011

My Kiddos and I - Week 16


Watch out, she's mobile!

Little Jenna Reese is officially on the move! For weeks now she would scoot and roll to wherever she needed to get, sooooo funny and cute to watch. But alas, she finally decided crawling is the most convienient way to get her hands on CJ's toys. ;)

and PS-check out those 2 teeth!!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

My Kiddos and I - Week 15



Sometimes I feel like I want time to speed up, but I don't want lose this time where I am at right now.

Sometimes I have lots to write, but because I don't practice writing enough, it often comes out poorly.

Sometimes I really need to let the little things go.

Sometimes I worry that my parenting sucks.

Sometimes I feel like the only Mom who reaches the point of feeling absolutely helpless while being totally exasperated by their very opinionated 3 year old.

Sometimes I just expect my husband to know EXACTLY what I am thinking.

Sometimes I think I have wasted a lot of valuable time by not going to school.

Sometimes I just want to dance. ;)


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wordless Wednesday


My Kiddos and I - Week 14



JR loooved her first time in the "real" bathtub. Now that she sits well on her own I decided to give it a whirl. It was a hit! (And CJ thought it was pretty cool, too. )
