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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

A new baby in town!

His name is Joseph Taylor Blachly, and man is he a cutie. I wanted to stay and visit with the proud new mom and hold the baby all day but I think that would have been over welcoming my stay :) Welcome, welcome little one!

I can't believe I have known Heather (or HO as we affectionately call her) since the junior high days of Hotchkiss. We've come a long way!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thanksgiving was goooood....

Yum! The food was de-lish and even better was the time spent with the fam. We hiked over to Ft. Worth on Thursday morning and had a good visit over at Casa de Vu. Vince and I played a round of "Memory" which he is quite good at, little stinker. Carmen took to the carpet and was off and crawling! She looked so cute and determined, she is a little stinker too. Baby Victor was good and sweet as usual. He is a very low-key baby. Happy to fed, held and loved - that's all he needs! We traveled back to D town and were greeted by the swarm of 16 nieces and nephews, 6 siblings, 5 spouses, my mother-in-law and her husband, and a partridge in a pear tree. We spent the rest of the day being the goofballs that we can't help but be, and at one point we each took a turn to see how many push ups we could do, not sure how that one got started but it made for some really good laughs. Ruben, cj and I made our way home and settled in for the evening. Truly another wonderful Thanksgiving. God is good! Everyday :)

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Almost Turkey Day!

It's just about a day away and the goodness that is turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, (my specialty!) pies... (and the list goes on...) is about to be bestowed upon us. This year I am very thankful (as I am every year) for the many blessings that I encounter each and every day. Most obvious though on my list of thankfuls (i'm pretty sure that's not a real word) is of course my 17 pounder, raspberry blowing, fair skinned, chubby, cuddly, funny girl, my cj. My husband gets a shout out too, I love his antics and random jokes, his big bear hugs, and thoughtfulness. I love my family. Thanksgiving wouldn't be Thanksgiving if it wasn't for them. Growing up I always loved Turkey day and every 4 years or so my sister's birthday would fall on Thanksgiving in which my parents found an awesome turkey cake from baskin-robbins that I will never forget. (It had sugar cones for the legs, just in case you were wondering)

I hope everyone has a wonderful, family filled, tummy filled, awesomely great Thanksgiving. I am very, very thankful for each and every one of you. I love you guys.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Long Time No Bloggy...

It's been WAY too long since I have been a happy little blogger. I got quite distracted for the past few weeks (oooooh... shiny object! haha) and I had little yearning to write any entries. I'm hoping to be better about this. Word is bond, yo.

Team Rodriguez