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Friday, January 21, 2011

Friday is Fab

Buenos dias, I am lovin' that today is Friday. The short week seemed to fly by (seems to be the case every week) and yesterday I couldn't leave my j-o-b fast enough. Came home to my fam and my girls' were asleep and Rube had our fave Thursday shows ready to go on the DVR. After we watched a little boob tube we went to bed. I hit the pillow hard and was in sleepy town in no time. So anyhoo, when I got up today, I had a nice quiet morning all to myself. Rube has to hit the road early for school so after he was out the door I made my coffee and relaxed, ahhhh. Felt so good. My babies are of course now up and at 'em and I am wondering what we shall do today.... Perhaps the library? A trip to NP or Target? Maybe. If I bundle them up enough we can go to the park, CJ is having some serious park withdrawls here lately. She seems to be over the cold weather and is looking forward to the fun at the spraygrounds and has told me, "Jenna can come, too if she wants to." You are so very kind, Carm. lol. Well, whatev we do today I'm just glad it's the weekend, baby. Yeah!

Jenna Reese enjoying her "tummy time" and says "have a great weekend, everyone!"


1 comment:

Lady Blachly said...

Oh man would we love to be able to hit the parks again! Love the snow, but come on spring!