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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wordless Wednesday


My Kiddos and I - Week 13


2 Skating Parties in 2 Weeks

And we had a fab time! I didn't attempt the ice skating with CJ... left that to the Rubester. Jenna and I watched, they looked so cute and determined out there, my sweetie petey's. :) Roller skating was more up my alley, definitely good times. The cutest thing ever has to be itty bitty skates! Ah! Cute attack! Photobucket

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My Kiddos and I - Week 11



We love opening the windows to let the fresh air in, CJ found this spot and sat there for a good while just enjoying the breeze.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

My Kiddos and I - Week 10


Sleeping sisters

Yup, some nights they both end up in our bed. CJ comes over during the wee hours of the morning, and straight to Ruben's side might I add, and hops on in with us. For two small children they take up a lot of room in our king sized bed! Jenna Reese has successfully ventured on over to her crib at nights, and I'm not gonna lie, I bring her back to sleep with us during the night sometimes because I miss her little chubby self next to me. What can I say? My kids are little for such a short time. And because it doesn't interfere with me and Rube's *ahem* alone time, I am ok with us being bears in the bed all snuggled up every now and then. :)


Spring has almost sprung!

It's getting closer, I can feel it! Although still a tad chilly in the early morning, we are enjoying the gorgeous days, because before we know it, the sweltering heat of the summer will be here, and I will have to explain to CJ again that we can't hit the park because the equipment is too hot! Bummer.(Which during that time thank the jeebus for the sprayground and the gym kids club.)

-------> \,./ jenna just typed that with her chubby litte feet. :P

Ok, so here's to spring, hope everyone is hitting the backyards, parks and jumping on those bikes to soak it up!
