oh, poor little miss. we had a cranky pants situtation on our hands yesterday. boooo. she fought her nap, she cried like the dickens when i put her down and she had little interest in her trusty ol' friend, the bottle. i knew what was coming next... a cold or something of that sort. a runny nose and sounding a little hoarse came about in the late evening. i'm glad carm at least slept on and off through the night. she literally had to sleep ON either ruben or i, and with the suctioning of the boogies she was able to drink so she could sleep.
today is cold, cloudy, and rainy and i suppose if cj has to be sick i'm glad it's on a day like this -where we can cozy up and give her some good lovin'. i hope my little one feels mucho better, mucho fast.
happy saturday to all, keep warm and dry :)
Oh poor CJ...we wish you well from the Blachly house. :) Get well soon!
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