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Saturday, February 9, 2008

A Saturday Post?! Whaaa?!

I don't think I have ever posted on a Saturday, but go with the flow here, change is good!

I've been thinking a lot about our move, or lack there of, and I think it's starting to give me indegestion, bleh. I need some action, people! Packing has been going fine, it's looking quite bare in here... kinda gives me the creeps. *shudder* Hahaha, jk! The other morning though, I said, "Good morning, Ruben. Good morning, Carmen. Good morning, moving boxes that are in my way." Darn the underwriters who are taking for-eva. Eh, it could be worse though. It could ALWAYS be worse. *stepping off my soap box*

Anyhoozle, along with the usual Saturday stuff, we went to a birthday party this afternoon for our niece, Teresa. She's 4 today, I don't know if it was lack of a nap or what, but she wasn't too festive. Hope she's not getting sick or something, poor mija.

Good Saturday, good Saturday guys. I'm perfectly happy to report a run of the mill day, those are the best kind.


ps- forgot to share - last week, momma got a new do... chopped it off, love it. here's a shout out to my stylist, b!


thecrears said...

omg! love the hair cut!! very sheek.

thecrears said...

omg! love the hair cut!! very sheek.