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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

getting back to business

It's nice to be back on here again, I just wasn't feeling it there for awhile. Chu know what I mean? *shaking it off*

It's busy as usual and I couldn't ask for it any other way. Our new (to us!) house is starting to feel like home, it's taking lots of work (I give Ruben major props for the tedious tasks that he has been working on) and we are happy, healthy and together. It's been said before and I am more than thankful to say it again, God is good. Everyday :)

Here are some pics from this past month. xoxoxo

beans w/ her easter basket

mom and carm ready for easter

daddy's gal

so fashionable w/ her leopard bow and runny nose!
we got carried away and packed cj, oops!
she looked like the flying nun!

1 comment:

Lady Blachly said...

Yeah!! You're back!! I missed you so. And I really like the red in your kitchen...not too shabby! That baby girl has a smile so bright that is could power the world!! I love the Carmen-as-computer-table pic...bad daddy!