Today baby Beans had a visit to Dr. Fernandez for her 9 month check-up. He gave her a clean bill of health and commented that she has quite a big noggin - gasp! Hahaha! Just kidding, he made no comment about her noggin whatsoever - that was just a little "Big Head Rodriguez's" humor. Little miss is very healthy and I am so thankful. 2 shots given by the nurse mustled a short cry from CJ, I scooped her up and the tears we done and done. Whew!

After a good lunch (remember, no meat today!) and a long nap for the little one, we made our way to St. Pat's for Ash Wednesday.

It's 9:30 and Carmen J is tuckered out for the night. I'm not too far behind... That's a rarity for me this early, so I'm taking full advantage of it, ahhhh.
Night! Sleep tight!
Her little jeans are too cute! And I noticed the weirdo plastic on the Dr's office chairs...what's up with that?! Happy Ashes!
9 months!!! sheesh! so fast, but carmen looks great and her head is perfectly sized : )
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