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Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Introducing Rice Cereal and a Runny Nose

I was very excited to feed Carmen her first taste of rice cereal and was waiting to try it out until I got back from my trip. So while I was out on my little excursion, my sister-in-law took it upon herself and gave Carmen some apple sauce. I was sad because I wanted to be the one to give CJ her first spoonful of "mmmm, papa." Sigh. So anyhoozle, on Sunday night I mixed up a little bowl of mush and fed my mijita until she seemed very uninterested in her itty bitty baby spoon. She seems to be into it, and next its on to the fruits and veggies. Our household is big into veggies, yum-o.

So, about the runny nose. Not sure where it came from but Carmen has been sneezing and sniffling and therefore Mommy is bulb syringing her boogies like crazy so that she doesn't swallow them. Bleh. No fever - whew! It's all gravy baby. It's the fever that would have me mucho worried.


The Belangers said...

that picture is super cute!! she looks like mini ruby in that second one!! hee hee!!! :) love it!

thecrears said...

noooooo, not the blue bulby booger remover!!!