Saturday afternoon Ruben, Beans and I took Little Carlos to his soccer game. His team's name is TNT and they were the cutest darn things ever. Carlos played goalie for the first little part of the game, and after he failed to block 2 goals they put someone else in. Awwww! Ruben even took a little walk down the field to tell him to keep his eye on the ball. What can I say, he's just little! TNT lost 3-1 but were happy as ever at the end of the game when one of the team mates birthday cupcakes were passed out :)
Saturday night we got dressed to the nines (that is the phrase, right?!) for Demira's birthday. Us girls met up at her house and then hit up Sue Ellens for the drink specials (gotta love those $2 wells) and then went next door to S4. There was no shortage of fun there! Between the drinks, the drag show and cutting up the dancefloor... good times, good times! As we ended the night with Denny's I was EXHAUSTED! I got home and was out like a light. And noooo, I didn't pass out. At least I don't think I did, haha.
Sunday greeted me sans hangover - whew! Just extreme thirst, funny how that always happens, huh?! Miss Sky Pie was in town so we stopped by to see her at her Mom's. She was so happy to see Carmen and it was so nice to see my old pal. Team Rodriguez then went visiting over to our sister city Ft. Worth. We went to lunch with my Mom, sister and her crew. We also got to see an old friend, Michele. My family has known her for many years and it was so nice to catch up with her. She has the cutest little girl, Yolis. It was a great visit. Ruben and I headed back home and the 3 of us hung out and watched the Cowboy game. They are 3-0, whoooo!
That wraps it up. As always, much love to everyone :)
1 comment:
Holy moly, take time to breath! That was a busy weekend!
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