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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Carmen Thursday!

A few of Carmen Jules' most recent pictures :) Lately she's been blinking in a lot of them though, darn flash. I am still trying to catch a picture of her smiling - she does a lot! Unfortunately something about the flash throws her off and she ends up looking like she's studying the camera. Also, here's a shout out to my Aunt Evelyn who is a faithful reader of my blog, she always likes to see what we are up to. Hi, Auntie!


The Belangers said...

love it! keep em coming! can't wait for next carmen thursday!

The Gaticas said...

Soooo adorable! Love that first pic you have up. Is she giving kisses? LOL.. too cute!

Lady Blachly said...

Carmen Thursday...what an awesome idea!! I love her!

Fabi Yvette said...

Aww!! I love that first pic, too! Such cuteness...