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Monday, September 3, 2007

I did it...

... and it was fabulous. Oh my. 3 women in NYC for 5 days = nonstop fun. I had a hard ass time leaving my family. It was heart wrenching as I got ready on Wednesday morning. Even so, I got myself together and literally had to practice the "out of sight, out of mind" theory. I also prayed and trusted cj's father (come on now) to take care of her. So pretty much I allowed myself to throw caution to the wind and truly have a great time. To sum it up, we walked like there was no tomorrow, saw as much as we possibly could, shopped with the utmost patience taking full advantage of the lack of husbands and kids, shared the best laughs, (the best kind that hurt your stomach, make tears come to your eyes, and can quite possibly make a little pee come out) and finally had the "girls only" trip that we had talked about for so long. Thanks for a memorable time, ladies. I love you guys. Oh, and tomorrow when I have lunch, I will be wondering where my glass of Pinot Grigio is...

1 comment:

thecrears said...

it looks like you had a great time!! those are fab pictures. i'm glad everything went off w/o a hitch. :)