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Sunday, April 26, 2009

A very "Yo Gabba Gabba!" birthday!

I have no idea how the time passes so quickly, but before I knew it, there we were gathered with our family and friends celebrating Carmen Jules turning TWO! The day turned out so nice - I was a little worried that we might get rained out - but alas, Mother Nature eased up with the rain clouds and we partied it up Yo Gabba Gabba! style :)

The birthday girl!

Here is Thomas getting good use out of our tree!

Tia Krystal used her pinata connections for this awesome Muno!

Since Beans was not in the pinata mood, boo...

...the rest of the kiddos took care of it!

Wait! That's not a kid! Ruben!!

Time for cake, yummo!!

Beans received awesome gifts...

... and made sure to read the cards, too.

Checking out her new bike!

A wonderfully tiring day! We were happy to have everyone over, I know Carmen Jules had a blast - even though it took a bit of birthday cake to coax her out of her unusually shy mood, sheesh!

Thank you everyone, we love you guys!


Iris said...

Oh my goodness...that means Christopher will be two aswell....where does the time go?

Lady Blachly said...

Ha! Hey, that's our card! We made the blog!!! Yesss. Granted it's upside down...but at least we know she cares. Feliz Brithday, Darling-poo!