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Monday, April 27, 2009

CJ's first big spill

While visiting Tia Ana's new house yesterday, Carmen had her first big tumble. She has always been pretty tough about falling, and will usually laugh good-naturedly when it comes to being clumsy. So down she went on a few steps, thank goodness they were carpeted but she ended up with a big rug burn on her face. It started out pink and by the end of the day she looked like a hot mess. She took it pretty well, cried for a couple minutes then was happily munching on a cheese stick and ran off to play again.

Here she is after her bath last night


Iris said...

Ouch! The good thing kids is that they just keep on going!

Iris said...

Lol!....not what i meant to should say "about kids"

Lady Blachly said...

On no! What a silly girl. Glad she is ok, that one for the scrapbooks!