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Monday, April 27, 2009

Nini and Angiepants get Confirmed

Congratulations Angela and Denise! The girls completed their Confirmation and the Mass was beautiful. I was honored when Cecilia asked me so long ago to be Angela's Madrina, and I take it seriously. While out shopping for her dress this past week, I made sure to talk to Angela about how she is doing and what was on her mind. I didn't want to make her feel like I was badgering her for information - but I wanted her to know I am genuinely interested in how she is doing and that she has my love and support in everything she does.

My Little Carlos looking so handsome

Ani and Alexis

Denise and her Madrina, Tia Judy

The girls after Mass

All of the Godparents with Ruben's Mother and Grandmother

So proud of our Goddaughter :)

Then it was pachanga time

The food was uber delish! As if you couldn't tell by my full plate...

Teresa gives the rice a big thumbs up

Rube, Carm and Tia Nancy

I love the heck out of Noemi!

Silliness runs in the family....

And ah, yes... my personal favorite, the cake.

Goofy girls!

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