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Monday, September 15, 2008

We had, like, a totally awesome time.

My sister threw her hubbster, Junior, a most awesome 80's birthday party. She really went all out, rented a recreation center, decorated so cute and had the best 8o's music you could ask for. Junior looked like he was having a great 30th Birthday, definitely a special one to remember!

Everyone really got into their costumes, we saw some HILARIOUS get up's!! I recycled my outfit from the 80's shin-dig Kel threw a few years ago, and Ruben and Beans got thrown together outfits that I think came out quite nicely!

Happy 30th, Old Man Vu! We love you mucho!

Carmen's outfit I threw together with various parts of her wardrobe. (On our way to the party, little miss started coughing which turned into gagging, then threw-up and completely soiled her onesie! Barf-O-Rama! We turned around, went back home and I made her another one quick fast!)

Carmen wanted to get down and dance!

Us with the Birthday Boy

Me and Angie with Carlos and Vince

Beans loved the glow necklaces!

Me and my sis

Carlos and Ruben doing the robot

Dancing the night away!

Having some good fun 80's style!


Anonymous said...

how FUn! i love 80's parties!!!

Iris said...

Wish we could have been there! Happy B-day Junior!

Lady Blachly said...

LOL!! I was thinking that your outfit was kinda cute, and then I came to the picture that included your sock and heels and LMAO!!!