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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Angie Pants Rox!!

Our fabulous God Daughter and Niece turned 14 today! I delivered a cookie cake to her school this morning, hope it's tasty! We want to wish Angela (or "Angie Pants" as Little Carlos so affectionately came up with - and it stuck!) a wonderful birthday! She is absolutely beautiful and has THE best personality - quirky with a great sense of humor! She's smart as a whip and a rock star on the soccer field!

We love you, Angela. You are awesome and we are so proud of the person you have grown to be... I can't believe that you were once so shy and little. Your Tio and I will always, always remember when you were around 3 0r 4 with your pencil and note pad always in hand - ahhhh! That was THE cutest, you would never leave home without it. Happy Birthday, Angie Pants!

PS-Can't wait to hit the stores to look at Quince dresses :)

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