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Monday, September 15, 2008

Park Plesantries

A few of our nieces and nephews came over to spend some time with us, and since Mother Nature gave us some beautiful weather, I made them turn off the TV and announced we were going for a walk. Hearing groans from the older kiddos and a few rolls of the eyes, I didn't care - the day was super nice so off we went...

On our way!

Hey there!

Lexi and CJ

Carm wanted to try it out!

Go, Julie, Go!

Good times, good times.

Turns out, they had a really good time and we killed an hour or so with some great exercise and fresh air. Alexis commented she was glad we went, said the day was so pretty. Of course the second we came back, everyone took to the computer, TV and coloring books and all was well. Turkey dogs topped off the evening nicely, yum :)


Iris said...

Christopher LOVES to play outside, he begs us to take him out all the time.

Lady Blachly said...

Good times for sho! We took TWO walks today since it was so nice!