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Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Tuesday Stuff

Howdy! As I write this I am trying not to yawn, we had a great day and as always the Rodriguez's were early to rise. Someone (who's name I won't mention, haha) likes to wake up early to be changed and fed. At which point I used to go back to sleep but lately we are on Escobar kid duty (love those kiddos) and they have to be picked up by noon. So here I am now, it's only 10:12pm and I am starting to feel my eyes getting heavy.

We made it to Carmen's Baptism class this evening, Ruben and I are happy to have that scheduled soon!

Hope everyone had a great day! Goodnight, folks!

1 comment:

The Belangers said...

Look at her posing with her cute little legs!!! so adorable!