Mamanita came over this morning for a menudo breakfast and to make peace with her youngest grand baby, which this time CJ was all coos and grins. Ruben was off to work and I decided to stay in, it felt great. Carmen seemed to be making up for her lack of naps yesterday so she pretty much slept on and off all day. I got a couple of side dishes ready and when Ruben got home later in the evening, he made us t-bone steaks on the grill. We had never grilled steaks and it came out really delish except we both agreed to cook it about 10 min. less the next time because we like it a little more rare. Such carnivores we are. (Rubbing my belly going mmmm!) My Dad would cringe at that, haha. Vegetarians we are not!
That was our weekend in a nutshell. A very long nutshell :) I'm off to watch Flight of the Conchords, can't get enough of that show lately.
Goodnight, muchos besitos to all.
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