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Sunday, August 5, 2007

I've been tagged!

Jennifer tagged me to post 8 random facts about me, so here goes...

1. When I was little I used to purposely sing the lyrics to songs incorrectly for the simple fact that it bothered my sister to no end. At one point I annoyed her so much she started to cry.

2. I have never had a cavity.

3. I have a love/hate relationship with my naturally curly hair.

4. I miss playing the cello and still follow the bass line when listening to classical music. (I also fear that I have lost my "chops" and feel horrible about it.)

5. I am a natural worrier.

6. For as long as I can remember I have used the same shower routine.

7. I love the way the nail place smells.

8. If I nap for more than 30 minutes I wake up with a headache.

1 comment:

The Belangers said...

ewwww! the nail place? Are you cwazy???