Where did my tiny newborn go? I can't believe how fast my cj is growing, every day Ruben and I marvel at how quickly the time passes. Weighing in at 13 lbs and 24 1/2 inches long, baby beans is healthy and trucking right along as she should be. Carmen went in for her 4 month shots and did so well, dang I was so relieved that she cried only for a second. Waaaay less dramatic than her 2 month visit (ok, so I cried at her first shots. she was just so sad!) and she took all 4 like a champ! GO, BEANS! I felt bad because there was a little 4 or 5 year old girl in the room next to us SCREAMING bloody murder, poor thing was terrified. I'm hoping that I can make going to the doctor an OK, thing for Carmen. I want to be honest and tell her that yes, shots do in fact hurt, but I don't want the experience to be dreaded each time we have to go. We shall see how that goes!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Congratulations, Rudy Booty
The family gathered at our house Saturday afternoon for a celebration in honor of Rudy. He received his Master's Degree in Education. Rudy specializes in elementary aged students who are in Special Education. After a couple of years in the classroom he quickly moved his way to become a consultant. He was telling us that he is nervous but really looking forward to the challenge. I know he will do a great job. I remember when we went down to Austin (We were headed to good ol' SA, it was Fiesta time, baby! Ahh, good times, good times. Damn good time. Ok, sorry. I went off on a tangent there...) and visited his classroom. It was interesting to see him interact with his students. They were pre-k, so cute, and loved their teacher. They called him "maestro."
By the time everyone left and I cleaned up, I hit the bed hard. I had so much fun planning and getting all the orange and white decor, it was quite the shin dig if I do say so myself.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Can't forget about Kramer...
The other night I was sitting at the desk looking at stuff on the internet. Beans was asleep and Ruben was watching a movie. The thunderstorm was giving our grass a good watering, and the lightning and thunder made me feel warm and cozy in our home. So i'm sitting there fartin' around on the computer and I keep feeling this nudge on the back of my foot. I knew Kramer was hanging out but wondered why he kept nudging me. I call him Ruben's "shadow." Where you see Ruben you will usually find Krame. When Ruben works Kramer lies either right beside or underneath the desk chair. While I know Kramer loves me, you won't find him doing that when I'm at the desk so I knew something was up. I look beneath me and there I see the poor little guy sitting and somewhat cowering. It was the storm! I hadn't ever noticed that he did this, it was sad but so cute. I got up to get the camera so I could take a pic and when I got back he wasn't under the chair anymore. He wasn't sitting by Ruben who was on the couch still watching his movie. I keep panning the room and there he was in the corner, sitting there quietly. I walk over there and his naturally sad eyes peek out and look at me as if to say "is it over yet?!" Kramer Kramerson Rodriguez, you are too cute. Your humans love you, little buddy.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Sunday, August 12, 2007
HOT Weekend!
Mamanita came over this morning for a menudo breakfast and to make peace with her youngest grand baby, which this time CJ was all coos and grins. Ruben was off to work and I decided to stay in, it felt great. Carmen seemed to be making up for her lack of naps yesterday so she pretty much slept on and off all day. I got a couple of side dishes ready and when Ruben got home later in the evening, he made us t-bone steaks on the grill. We had never grilled steaks and it came out really delish except we both agreed to cook it about 10 min. less the next time because we like it a little more rare. Such carnivores we are. (Rubbing my belly going mmmm!) My Dad would cringe at that, haha. Vegetarians we are not!
That was our weekend in a nutshell. A very long nutshell :) I'm off to watch Flight of the Conchords, can't get enough of that show lately.
Goodnight, muchos besitos to all.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Tuesday Stuff
Howdy! As I write this I am trying not to yawn, we had a great day and as always the Rodriguez's were early to rise. Someone (who's name I won't mention, haha) likes to wake up early to be changed and fed. At which point I used to go back to sleep but lately we are on Escobar kid duty (love those kiddos) and they have to be picked up by noon. So here I am now, it's only 10:12pm and I am starting to feel my eyes getting heavy.
We made it to Carmen's Baptism class this evening, Ruben and I are happy to have that scheduled soon!
Hope everyone had a great day! Goodnight, folks!
Sunday, August 5, 2007
I've been tagged!
Jennifer tagged me to post 8 random facts about me, so here goes...
1. When I was little I used to purposely sing the lyrics to songs incorrectly for the simple fact that it bothered my sister to no end. At one point I annoyed her so much she started to cry.
2. I have never had a cavity.
3. I have a love/hate relationship with my naturally curly hair.
4. I miss playing the cello and still follow the bass line when listening to classical music. (I also fear that I have lost my "chops" and feel horrible about it.)
5. I am a natural worrier.
6. For as long as I can remember I have used the same shower routine.
7. I love the way the nail place smells.
8. If I nap for more than 30 minutes I wake up with a headache.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
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