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Monday, January 5, 2009

Some light reading.

Looks like a good one, let me crack this open.

But first I must pause for a big cheeeese!

Now seriously, time to get down to business.


The Belangers said...

Ha!!! Now ask her to write an essay on the character weakness and strengths of the protagonist as well as his views of how he sees the world through the book's writings. This will be due a week from today, CJ!

thecrears said...

pssst. . carmen, you're missing a sock. well, looks like she's gonna love reading!!

Lady Blachly said...

Haha! It's upside down, too!

Anonymous said...

how did she even pick that up!?!? looks heavy! haha

The Belangers said...

PS I want to steal her socks. they're so cute!

pps- in the second picture, she looks just like denise when she was little!