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Sunday, January 25, 2009

A cold day but we spent time outside anyway!

Us here at The Team Rodriguez Headquarters are always happy to get some fresh air in our lungs. (Even with the annoying allergies me and Miss CJR have, bleh. *cough-cough, sniff-sniff*) So, despite the overcast sky and chilly temps we still had a fun time hanging out in the front yard until our cheeks and noses were red!
All smiles from CJ :)

Dad's hard at work.

The Rodriguez gals.

Doing some shoveling.

Daddy looked like he was in need of some assistance.

Playing in the dirt is a must!


Lady Blachly said...

Brrrr rabbit! Man, I can't believe how much those bushes have already grown back! Sweet! Fun times in the front yard!

JRB Photography said...

Love the shoveling picture. I can't believe yall put that little girl to work. Aren't there some sort of laws against that?