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Thursday, August 28, 2008

How to find the perfect cupboard to climb into, as told by CJ.

Step one: I locate cupboard that is both empty and does not have the "child safety" thingamajigs.

Step two: I climb on in to see if I fit...

Step three: Ahhhh, yes... Success! Now I wait patiently until Mom comes and tells me "No thank you, Carmen Jules!" Sheesh, can't I just hang out here... Peacefully... with my trusty pink blankie and sippy cup?


thecrears said...

man! if i would fit into the cuboards i would totally hang out in there too! i'm so jealous carmen.

The Belangers said...

Baby Ruby, are you about to give your momma the finger?!

Iris said...

Hmmmm.....i think i could fit in there too

Lady Blachly said...

LOL! That is funny!

The Gaticas said...

Awww! She doesn't look very happy that you found her.

T said...

lol, after seeing this Celinda has started getting in cabinets too......CJ ur too freakin cute!!! We miss ya!!!