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Thursday, August 28, 2008

Beans' 15 Month Check-up

So, I was running just a tad behind schedule on her 15 month appointment, Carm will be 16 months in a couple days and I just BARELY got her in to see Dr. Ernie. Thankfully, my little one is healthy as a horse and right on par with her learning and skills. (lol, skills. that makes me laugh - thinking of napoleon dynamite.) She weighed in at 23 lbs and is 30 3/4 inches tall. Little Miss is in the 60th percentile for height and 50th percentile for weight. After her shot (and crocodile tears) I took her home and she was out for a long nap. I'm soooo mad I left my camera at home - boooo! I was kicking myself the minute I hit the freeway but it was too late to turn back around. I will just throw in a couple of recent pics.

Happy Thursday and mucho love to you all! xoxoxo

1 comment:

thecrears said...

60th percentile! you're all legs carmen.