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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

4th Birthday, done hula style!

This Saturday was filled with more great birthday memories for my sweet CJ. We had gone back and forth for a bit with Little Miss Opinionated about what theme she liked best. After all that debating, she got the idea for a "Hula" party, as she called it, so that's what we went with. To add to Carmen's excitement, her birthday was the same day as the party, and who doesn't enjoy celebrating on their actual birthday? That rocked.

So thankful and blessed with this little gal who makes us laugh. Every. Single. Day. Love you, CJ. Here is wishing you many, many, many more to come!

the palm tree cupcake cake

ready to get her hula party on!
baby sisters are super cute

and so are baby cousins

chasing balloons

silly cousins are the best

would have loved to hear their convo

ready to make her wish

hit it with all her might

posing with pals

couldn't wait to tear into her presents

everything received was super awesome

made sure to give a big "thanks"

and throughout the day, couldn't help but reminisce about the first time I laid eyes on her


1 comment:

The Belangers said...

awwww. she was so wittle!