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Friday, February 4, 2011

Baby it's cold outside...

And in here it is kinda cold, too. Ha! While this old house recently had some great insulation done, it's still a tad on the cool side, yow-za! But I suppose with negative degree wind chills that is bound to happen. So anyhoo, we haven't been off of the Rodriguez compound since Monday. Yep, Monday, folks. Aside from a little cabin fever and missing the gym I have felt happy and cozy here with my babies. All 3 of them, haha. Er, I mean 4 of them - sorry Krame! We baked, read, watched a ton of TV, worked on CJ's "homework", bundled up and played outside, napped, cooked, (thank GOODNESS I grocery shopped last Sunday!) and just genuinely relaxed. Like hardcore relaxed. It's amazing how much I was able to do that when I knew that we weren't going anywhere. And it was ok not to go anywhere. And we didn't need to be anywhere. I'm a busybody (an extreme busybody) by nature so not being productive/busy makes me feel kinda guilty by taking too much chilxation time. That's not good. If feasible we should always make a little time for resting our bodies, as long as all the other stuff is up to snuff. You know what I'm sayin'??

It appears we may be thawing out today and I really hope everyone was kept safe through these harsh temps. What a crazy week. TGIF, keep those toes warm and toasty. :)

1 comment:

Lady Blachly said...

Whooooooweeeee, what a week! So glad y'all got some of that cool snow this time! ;) And I know Rube isn't clearing off the car to hit the he?!