My Dearest Blog,
My most sincerest apologies for having neglected you for so long. I hold our relationship with the highest respect and I hope you hold no resentment towards me for sweeping you under the rug. It was me, not you.... I'm so happy that our time apart was only a hiatus and not a permanent separation... I love you, Dear Blog, I love you...
So, a BIG blog shout-out to my Momma, whoot-whoooot! Thanks to Mom for putting up with Team Rodriguez crashing at her house. This house hunting business is taking waaaay longer than anticipated, thank goodness we all have a good sense of humor about this. Well, we'll see how much longer that lasts, haha. We've seen so many wonderful homes but still we wait to see which one will be our next humble abode. You would think this should have been a piece of cake, right?
I'm soaking up this lovely holiday and winter season, something about it seems to make everyone feel warm and fuzzy. Ruben and I have noticed how much CJ loves anything related to Christmas - definitely our kid! The other day she picked an Angel from the Salvation Army tree. My heart strings were tugged at when I saw she chose a two-year-old boy named Gael. I think it made me a little emotional that her Angel is the same age as she is, and I am excited because I know I will have no problem whatsoever finding him some goodies. His two requested items are jeans and a remote control car.
Good luck, Ruben! Finals are coming up and I know he will hit it out of the park. Another semester bites the dust, yessssss.
Tonight was the perfect night for Alicia's Caldo de Pollo, I made a big pot of it. Yum with a side of yum!
My beeeeautiful tan is so long gone, boo! Until next summer....
I've still been watching the trashy Real Housewives series and I can't seem to stop! My guilty pleasure, it sucks you in... Scary!
The above was written by Miss CJR herself, little stinker snuck in to type while I stepped away...
I miss my camera! The doofus that I am packed away the battery charger, I've been using my Mom's here and there and my camera phone, bleh. I look forward to the day when I may be able to upgrade to a nicer one all together, hint-hint Ruben!
I meant to post this one a looooong time ago. It's some before and afters of the old house. Team Rod really enjoyed the time spent in that home. We longed to do more to it, but alas it wasn't meant to be. We will miss you, old house! Thanks for being so good to us! The next place will be loved just as much as you were :)
Exterior before:
Exterior After:
Master Bedroom before:
Master Bedroom after:
Living Room before:
Living Room after:
Dining Room before:
Dining Room after:
Kitchen before:
Kitchen after:
A couple of afters without before pics:
ps-as much as I say we will never rehab a house again... we probably will sometime in the future. I love visualizing the potential, and I think we were nudged into these projects partly due to the fantastic deals but also because I think that Ruben and I truly enjoy and get excited about seeing a house come back to life.

Wow, look at that shower! Perfect! Yes, I know what you mean...such a pain but ridiculously rewarding. And the loudest WOW to the kitchen before and after!!
Ditto on the Real Housewives...I crave that show so much sometimes!
Happy December, you!!
Geez girl! That was like one of those HGTV projects!! I never knew the kitchen had such horrid wall paper. Yall totally turned that house upside down- totally awesome!!!
LOVE this update! Yay for updating the blog!
these picture are AMAZING. you and ruben did an amazing job. you are truly talented and truly blessed to have the opportunity to do this kind of work. again. . . A-MAZ-ING!
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