My Mom was doing some rearranging (she tends to do this every summer vacation) and offered this beautiful bed to her granddaughter. Team Rod borrowed Grandpa Nino's truck and we were off to Ft. Worth to bring it home. As with most things, Carmen transitioned from the toddler bed to her new digs with no qualms... So why can't she be so breezy about the whole going potty thing?! I digress.
Thank you SO much, Mom! Carmen loves her new bed and we had a fun time picking out the new covers which were on very good sale at the good old faithful, Tarjay. Now all I need to do is find a little white nightstand - found some cute ones for a great price on-line but am going to keep looking a bit more to find the best deal.

What a happy sleepy girl, oh I mean big girl.. they grow up fast.
OMG, that bed is perfect for a little girl's room! Not even thinking about JT changing over...
Christopher will never be big enough for a big boy bed. LOL!!! Hope to see you guys soon.
She's getting so big!
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