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Monday, March 9, 2009

Our weekend in pictures

Friday night birthday party for our niece, Arielle.

CJ and her cousin Denise

Little Carlos hitting the pinata

Hanging outside Saturday morning, enjoying the weather. Overcast but warm!

Beans keeping herself occupied while running errands

Hanging out at MS

At the Aguileras for Kel's bday. Celebrating St. Patty's day style!

Sunday Home Depot run!

Nap time in the car!

Team Rod headed to the park to soak up more of the nice weather.

Always up to something, always on the go! And always so thankful! I hope everyone had a great weekend, xxxooo.


Iris said...

What a fun weekend!!

Lady Blachly said...

Hooray for weekends! Flying a kite is a good idea!

Anonymous said...

ya'll had a great weekend! i love cjs face on the monkey bars!

The Belangers said...

carmen is looking more and more like her daddy every day! those expressions just get me! lol! love it! now I can see why yall are always on the go!