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Sunday, February 15, 2009

Because she's just silly.

Beans fought her nap the other day. She was crying when I told her it was nap time, and she looked at me like "yeah right" when I told her to lay down, close her eyes and rest. I gave her a kiss and said have a good nap. A few minutes later she stopped the whining business and I heard her playing for a bit, then silence. I go in to check on her and this is what I see:

Carm not in her bed, not behind the door, not in the closet, and the window was closed...

Let's take a peek under the bed...

Ah, yes - why wouldn't you want to curl up under your bed to take a snooze?!

My silly little one. She slept there for a few hours and woke up happy and rested :)


Iris said...

What a cozy place to sleep!

Lady Blachly said...

OMG!!! How funny! She IS so silly!

Anonymous said...

LOL!!!!!!!!!! that's the cutest!!!