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Monday, December 29, 2008

Because I love them THAT much.

I had to post about pickles. Yes, pickles. I love them. I want to marry pickles and have cute wittle baby pickles. (haha, I have to say that about everything that I heart.)

Anyhoozle, among my wonderful Christmas presents was a giant new jar of Best Maids, ahhhhh. My family, er, I mean Santa knows just how much I love the tastiness that is the pickle. Thank you, Santa :)

I love you pickles.

I passed on my pickle loving gene to the little one.

Prepare to be eaten and savored, pickle. You never had a chance.


Lady Blachly said...

Yes. Yes, I know exactly what you mean.

thecrears said...

that was HILL-arious!! super funny alicia.