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Thursday, July 31, 2008

A stupendous time had by all

Our trip began early Monday morning, Beans was a little out of it when we woke her up at 6am! We set out to the airport anxious to get our little excursion started. Beans knocked out for a little nap while we waited for our delayed plane.

We saw a lot in a short amount of time. We did a whole lot of walking, and we did a whole lot of driving around the surrounding area of Philly. Pretty much just checking things out. The people are different, the culture is different, but, not anything we cannot handle. Anyhoozle, great visit and we saw many interesting things!

Here is a nice little neighborhood in Center City. (That is what they call their downtown.)
The Liberty Bell

We took Beans to Chuck E. Cheese, a very historical place to see, haha.

Rocky Balboa!

Wait! I wasn't ready! And why does Carm look all mad?!

Daddy and baby walking around Philly

Beans cooling off with a cold drink. Whew, it was hot!


Lady Blachly said...

I mean, Philly's cool and all but do I have to say it...???
....don't go!

thecrears said...

awww lots of sight seeing (and a chuck E. cheese) looks like a great time!! (don't get too attached though)