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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

my water baby

I enrolled Beans in a parent/child swim class. She and I trooped over to the YMCA yesterday for our first session. She liked it - likes to look at the other babies though mostly! The other parents seem very friendly and although I kinda think the young instructor girl is a little dingy, CJ seemed to warm up to her - she used Carmen as the example of how to enter and exit the pool properly with your infant. We mostly have just practiced kicking, and blowing bubbles, Carmen put her mouth to water but no bubbles just yet! We shall see what else we learn in the next couple weeks... Happy Swimming!


Lady Blachly said...

Badass! I can't wait to do that with Joseph! I think it is really worth it to get them that early exposure. Swim on!

Lady Blachly said...

P.S. I think she looks so much like Ruben in that picture!

The Belangers said...

Look at mini Rube!!!! She'll be blowing bubbles in no time! My little sports illustrated swimsuit model!

Iris said...

christopher just loves the water....his favorite thing to do is splash