sunday: sheesh, kinda seems like forever ago... ah, yes - so sunday, we had some great time spent over in ft. worth with my family. my auntie millie came into town with my cousin polo and his girlfriend joleene (please forgive me if i misspelled that!) we had such a nice visit, i miss my family in new mexico very much, i hope to take a trip out there with carmen in the next month or so. anyhoo, that night carmen was kinda mopey and i went to cuddle her only to find she was scorching hot. a call to the phone nurse (dang they are handy) and a long night led to a doc appointment the next day.

monday: a trip to doctor ernie, cj not feelin' so hot, she sat on my lap practically the entire time. her doc requested a throat culture, gave us the all clear to go and with some simple instructions i headed home with my sullen baby.

tuesday: right at 9ish i got a call from cj's pediatrician's office - she tested positive for strep throat, ahhhh! so off to walgreens i went and picked up her prescription as soon as it was ready. this was the saddest day of the week for carm, she literally slept all day on and off in one spot on our living room floor. she had to have her favorite blankie and didn't move from there much.

wednesday: woo, cj is a bit more herself today. not all the way and didn't even play with her toys much but still a little happier :) later that afternoon however, i notice she's breaking out with little rash thingies on her forhead, hmmm. i call her pediatrician - again - and they say to watch and see if it spreads, if yes, she's likely allergic to her amoxicillin and needs to come in again. fudge!

thursday: cj wakes up and i inspect her cute little self only to find the rash thingy has spread to her stomach, back and cheeks. bleh. off we go to the doc once again and this time with 2 happy visitors, my mom and her husband, rudy. we leave with a new prescription, yay! another yay for the day was carm was most def acting like her hammy self again.

friday: it rained a bit and although the day was a little dreary, carm certainly was not! a happy little camper and back to normal. later that day we decided to head south for the weekend with rubes fam and hit the beach. an impromptu trip to freeport beach sounded like an awesome mini-trip. (as jen likes to call them!)

saturday: we headed out early, early. (ruben was m.i.a, he had a weekend of appointments, we missed him on our little excursion. ) we got to the beach around 2ish and stayed until the sun started going down. omg, we were exhausted!! it was worth it though, the water was warm, and the breeze was great. we headed back to our motel and showered all the beach off of us it wasn't long before we were all snoring away.

sunday: back home! we got back in the early evening, the houston traffic set us back a bit. i feel good, tired - but glad cj and i went. she's already asleep for the night and i know i am not too far behind.
hope everyone had a nice weekend, much love to you guys - always!