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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

a trip to doctor ernie

cj had her 12 month appointment last week, she weighed in at 21.3 pounds and measures 30" tall. my sweetie baby was not pleased with her shots, but hey, who really enjoys that?

such a sad face! every time cj would look at her thumb with the cute hello kitty band-aid on it she started to cry!


Lady Blachly said...

Oh pooh, that sucks. I can see her poor little tears on Ruben's shirt! We have a six month coming up fast and I'm not looking forward to it. Agh. Love you Carmen!

thecrears said...

awww. doesn't it just make you want to cry right along with them.

The Gaticas said...

Awww! Poor thing! Now thats a face I haven't seen before.. she's always giving her smile with her eyes shut. LOL!