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Sunday, April 27, 2008

carmen jules' first birthday party!!!

Oh, wow. I can't believe we celebrated our daughter's first birthday. Our family and friends made the time so special, I was so happy the way everything turned out. Well, except that little miss was either tired or just taken back by everyone that was over! She was quiet and got cranky right before we did her cake. (i got a lump in my throat as i sang happy birthday, i was just so happy!) Oh well, my hammy little gal is entitled to a nap so she took one :) The kids hit the traditional pinata and the little ones played a cute game of "Pin the Bow on Carmen."

Thank you so much to our families and friends for celebrating with us. It means a lot to Ruben and I to share special memories with you all.

As always, much love to everybody :)


Team Rodriguez

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