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Monday, October 8, 2007

I made the dog get in on this one...

This took several tries as Kramer didn't really want to wear the hat (jen, don't call PETA on me), and Carmen wanted to take the sign off of Kramer, it was hilarious...


Fabi Yvette said...

How a-dorable! I'm sure Diaz will love it.

The Belangers said...

I love it!!!!!!!!!! I used to do these with Josh and Jacks all the time. I would send them to his work so he could see we we thinking of him. :) Love those signs and I'me expecting one on my birthday!

The Belangers said...

PS- I love you carmen j!!!!

thecrears said...

holy smokes... that's uber cute. you're giving hallmark a run for their money!!!