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Friday, July 27, 2007

Carmen's Umbilical Granuloma is Removed!

What is an umbilical granuloma?

An umbilical granuloma is a piece of tissue that remains on your baby's belly button after the umbilical cord falls off. Rather than healing up and becoming covered with skin, a bright red stalk of tissue remains on the belly button. It has a grainy surface and produces sticky mucus. Without treatment, it could ooze and become an irritation for several months.

Miss CJ was a very good patient and although she was quite the wiggle worm, the doctor finished the procedure quite quickly. Carmen left a happy camper enjoying her bottle and by the time we hit the road she was fast asleep.
Have a great weekend, everyone!


The Belangers said...

good to hear the little honey is doing well!! :)

The Belangers said...

PS She look sooooooo cute here!

Lady Blachly said...

That'll show that umbilical granuloma who's boss!

thecrears said...

What is an umbilical granuloma?

Not only is your blog fun; it is totally educational. Thanks. : )

Glad to hear CJ's doing well; she looks SOOOO happy.