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Wednesday, June 6, 2007

yowza! long time no blog!!

Ok, so it's been almost two months and I am finally back in a routine to blog! The time leading up to the birth of Miss Carmen Jules was full of anticipation, nervousness, and just down right scariness! I had no idea what to expect when I gave birth. Being induced turned out just fine and here I am alive and kicking, and most importantly with a healthy, beautiful baby girl. Ruben and I were anxious to bring baby beans home, little did we know that she had a bout of colic that made our first two weeks VERY HARD! We literally had about 2-3 hours of sleep and just had to keep patient. Now those first 2 weeks seem like they are so long gone! Carmen uses a new formula and Dr. Brown's bottles, and is now a happy baby. A couple of weeks ago she made a complete turn around and is now on a schedule, it's wonderful! She goes down for bed around 1130 and wakes up at 5 to eat. She naps on and off during the day of course, and while she gets fussy, her cries are completely different from her colic fits. Now she cries when she is hungry or wants to be held, or is just down right tired :)

Now she is 5 weeks... CJ is an on the go baby. Frequenting Target the most, she is great in the shopping cart, it kinda lulls her to sleep or at the very least seems to relax her. She has visited her extended family numerous times, wished me my first Mother's day, been to a couple of cookouts, runs errands, and had her first trip to the zoo which of course, she slept most of the time. (It was so much fun, she rode the Dart train like a pro!)
Carmen has brought a complete and wonderful change to Team Rodriguez. It's a change that looking back, I can't imagine our lives any other way. It's hard to describe, but this kind of love is not like any kind of love that we have experienced before. It's around the clock work, it's stressing to think about her growing into a big scary world, but it's amazing to see this little tiny person we created. Truly wonderful. God is good!


Lady Blachly said...
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Lady Blachly said...

I think she looks so much like you! I can't wait for my own unexplainable love..I hear it's unbelievable. The nursery is just cute as a bug, too!

The Belangers said...

Ahhh! So happy you're blogging again! OMG! Those new pictures are awesome!!!! LOOOOOVE them all!! And the nursery- geez louise you did an awesome job!!! It looks beautiful!!! Simply classic and gorgeous!